Baby Tickers

Morgan Elizabeth:babies
Count down to Maddy: (10/24/2009)pregnancy due date

Friday, July 24, 2009

Only 14 weeks!!

It been a while since I've posted anything. Morgan has been keeping Jamie and I very busy, she's always has something to do, even when she's sleeping! But she's doing great and learning like crazy. She is a fast learner. She has learned a few new words over the last week, like rock, ball, Charlie ( our dogs name ), her current favorite word is "uh oh". She can also point out her nose, eyes, ears, belly and mouth.

We are getting ready for baby number two Madison Kathleen Schramm in October. Time has flown by, she will be here in 14 weeks!! All the test from the amino have come back negative, which means she doesn't have OI or any other significant genetic disorder. That's great news to us!

Cant believe that we are blessed with two beautiful daughters. That means that we are done though, We don't want to push our luck.
Maddy's face and hand at 26 weeks
We have almost everything that we need for "Maddy". Just need to invest in a nice double stroller. We have decided to move Morgan into our old guestroom, which has been repainted purple and decorated it in Tinkerbell theme. She seems to like it. I just have to teach her to sleep in her new big girl bed but we still have time.

Other than that we are doing great. Just going to Dr appointment (which are every two weeks now!) and keeping busy. Hope the summer has been good to everyone. Thanks to everyone for being there for us. Can't wait to bring Madison into the loving family and big group of friends and watch Morgan become a BIG SISTER, TEAR :)

Love ya All
Sarah, Jamie, Morgan & Madison

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Time Flies

Well the excitement of 2008 has come and gone and here we are mid-April 2009. Morgan is doing fantastic, she's been walking since just before Thanksgiving and is now well into the climbing stage. Her birthday party was a blast and Sarah and I made a video to commemorate her first year, find that here.

The biggest news of all is that Morgan's going to be a big sister in October. We found out on February 21st, Sarah had been experiencing pregnancy symptoms for about a week prior but put off taking a test until that afternoon. And the test she took returned some crazy results that were not on the box. So Holly made her buy another test on their way home from seeing Twilight. And that one instantly returned a positive result. A week later on February 26th we had our confirmation appointment, On March 5th we had another appointment at which time they performed the first ultrasound and we got to see the heartbeat. They also locked down the due date to October 24th, 2009. We had another appointment April 1st, although they were unable to find/hear the heartbeat the doctor was not concerned.

We will be having an amniocentesis performed on May 8th like we did for Morgan. The results of which will be available about 2 weeks after that. This time around it seems like time is just flying by, probably has something to do with that crazy 14 month old we have running a mock all day long.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ohh how they grow

Hello everyone... I'm so sorry that i have not wrote lately. It was been a busy summer but a fun one. I hope that everyone has had a great summer. I cant believe how much Morgan has grown. She is going to be 7 months on the 12Th. I cant believe that its been that long already. I fell like it was just yesterday that we where still waiting for her to come.

She is doing so well.. She has already said her first word. It was MOMMA... I was so excited. I worked with her for like a week sawing int over and over to her. Then one afternoon we where playing and she said it. It was GREAT. Then the next day we went to my parents house and she said it over and over. It was so cute. Now we are working on daddy... Shes getting there... She has also be sitting up well and shes almost getting ready to crawl. She does the rocking back in forth on her hands and knees but hasn't got the moving her hands yet. She will get there very soon. I just cant believe how fast that they grow up.

We have taken her to get her ear pierced and she cried for a few Min's then she was over it. There is a video of it on Aunt Vicky's myspace page. We have taken lots of picture that i hope that you get a chance to look at. Some of them are very cute.
know we are just busy planing for Halloween. I think that she is going to be tinker bell. I found a really cute costume at walmart. But i haven't decided yet. We are also thinking about having our annual Halloween party. But this year it will be kid friendly. We think that it will be the weekend after Halloween . But we are not 100% sure yet. We will let you know as soon as we decide.

Hopeful in thew next couple of weeks we are going to go get our family pictures done. We are also planning on having a little party at our house for Morgan first birthday. It will be sometime in February. we will send out invitations.
Not to much other than that is going on. I am still able to stay home with her and i also decided to watch another little one. He is 3 months old. He is very good. He sleeps a lot but will grow out of that soon. Morgan likes him to she smiles at him and likes to grab at him . We are working on being gentle but she doesn't get that yet. Well i think thats all for know. Thanks for everyone who still checks up and likes to see how things are going. I will be sure that we keep adding new updates. love you all.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

sorry its been so long

Hello everyone.. Hope that everyone is doing well. I just want to say sorry about not posting something in so long. Those of you that have kids know how time can get away from you. We have been very busy.

Morgan is growing up so fast:) I was just looking at her pictures from only a month again and she looks like a different baby . She is almost 4 months old and growing like a week. She is around 13 1/2 lbs already. She eats like crazy. She has been sleeping through the night for about a month know. She is a very good baby. She only really cries when she wants something.... eat, sleep, poop kinda thing. She has started to role over from the tummy to her back. She smiles, laughs and is just a happy baby. I love her so much.

She has her second round of shots coming up on the 19th. I'm really NOT looking forward to it but she has to have them. She cried really hard last time :( but she wasn't crabby for to long after that. Other than that not much going on. We have already taken her swimming and she loved it. We are going to take her to her first Cards baseball game on sat with jamie work. That is if all goes well with the weather. If it rains then we are going to leave her behind cause i don't want her to get sick from being out in the rain. So we will let u know.

Thanks again to everyone that has been there for us these past couple of months. We are going to have a really busy fun summer. Theres so much that she will learn this summer and she will grow so much. I will keep you updated on how the rest of the summer is going.
love ya all Sarah , Morgan and James

Monday, March 17, 2008

Getting big!!

Morgan and I are doing great, She is already 5 weeks old. I cant believe it!! She is SO cute. I can't believe how much i love her. I also cant believe how much she looks like Jamie. She is such a great baby. Though she is not sleeping through the night we are working on it. We have tried to get her on a routine. We try to give her a bath around 9pm and then a bottle then put her down for bed around 10pm. It has been working well. She sleeps from about 10:30 until 2:30 then 6:30. Shes getting better though, I am proud of her.

She is eating much better now that we have switched bottles. We have a doctor appointment Tuesday to make sure that she gaining some weight. The last appointment she was only 7lbs. I'm sure that she has gained some since then. She has grown out of her preemie clothes cause shes is so long. She was about 22 inches long.

Jamie's cousins came in town last week and they had Morgan's cousin Tyler who is 6 months old. We took them to the zoo. It was a very nice day. It was like 75 degrees . Morgan was awake to see some of the animals but she slept to. Tyler loved the animals, He would laugh and look at the monkeys and swimming turtles. It was a lot of fun. I can't wait until this summer when Morgan is big enough to enjoy these kind of things. We would love to take her to Grants farm. I'm sure that my nephew would love to come along to.

Other than that there is not much to tell. she is doing great. Growing, eating , sleeping and pooping. Has to get her first set of shots in a couple weeks. I'm sure she will NOT love that to much. We will keep everyone updated. Thanks to everyone who has come to visit and all the love. it means a lot to all of us that we have such great family and friends that we can count on. love ya all

Morgan, Sarah and James

Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 12th Morgans Birthday

So i went to work like it was just another day on Monday feb 11th. Come home and cooked dinner and just layed around and watched T.V. went to bed and watched T.V. in there for a while until about 10:30 pm. I started to get contractions. They come slow for a while. While they still hurt I figured that they where braxton hicks like the others that i have had that week. So i decided that I would try to get some sleep at around 11: 30. Then by 12am my contractions started getting stronger and closer together. AND THEY HURT. Tried to get comfortable for another hour or so and then by 1am i was done and ready to go to the hospital. grabbed Jamies arm while he was sleeping and told him that it was time to go. We got up and packed the rest of out stuff and headed to the hospital. we got there around 1:45am and into a bed around 2am. the nurse checked me and said that i was 4 cm dilated and so then she started asking questions for so that i could get a epidural. that took like 20mins -30mins but felt like a lifetime cause my contractions where only like 2-3mins apart and very painful. So finally the nurse checked me again around 3pm and said that i was morning along very fast and that i was already 7-8 cm so she hurried and called my doctor and then finally around 4am the nurse come in to give me my epidural. Well the epidural takes like 20mins to half hour to kick in and she was ready to be born about 15- 20 mins later therefore it did not have time to kick in.

Man that hurts. but it was all worth it. She was 6lbs 6oz 19 1/2 inches. She did well on the apgar test. she scores 8-9. She is very very cute. But what mom wouldn't think that about her baby girl. she is very small and for those of u how know me that know that i have tons of clothes for her but she doesn't fit into any of the new born stuff. she swims in. we had to go get preemie clothes.

Since i had her in the middle of the night we stayed in the hospital until Thursdays feb 14th. She was our valentines day present to each other. We took lots of pics and we also have videos. fell free to check them out. And if u haven't had a chance to see her then just call and we can make sure that u do. She is going very well she had her first pediatrician appointment on Friday. The doctor says that she is doing great.

we are both doing well. have had some visitors which is nice. Jamie was lucky enough to be able to take some time off work and help out and get use to her schedule. He is going to go back to work on the 25th feb. More to come in a couple of days once we get settle in and get some more sleep. ( like that will happen any time soon hahaha ).

Love ya all

Sarah, Jamie and MORGAN :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Born @ 4:31am
6lbs 6oz
19.5 inches long

Mommy and baby are fine, details of the birth coming soon but for now enjoy the pictures..

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Strike One....

Well first off, Everything is okay (isn't that a great way to start off a blog post?). Yesterday evening, Sarah started feeling pretty lousy and getting sick. So we called her doctors office and spoke with one of the on-call nurses. She had been having about 1 contraction an hour, her lower abdomen was pretty sore and she was not able to keep any food down. So the nurse told us to go to the hospital directly to Labor and Delivery. She even ended the conversation with "Good luck with your delivery"....

We didn't alert the masses cause we were pretty sure Morgan wasn't ready to join us yet. We got to Labor and Delivery around 9:45. Had to wait for the nurse to put Sarah into the computer, even though we had already preregistered weeks ago. Then they put her on 2 monitors to keep an eye on Morgan and to see if Sarah was having any contractions. After 45 minutes of monitoring they said the baby is fine, but Sarah didn't have any contractions. Then the staff OB check her, she's 2.5cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby is at zero station. So they decided to send us home. The nurse was very nice and Sarah and I both thought she looked familure and the nurse even started asking why she recognized us but none of us could place each other. She even took the time to explain all the monitors and graphs to us and what they were looking for, as well as how to turn off the alarm should Sarah move and make it go off (which she did). Morgan didn't like the monitors too much she would go crazy every few minutes and kick them which you could hear as loud "thumps" over the rooms loud speaker.

After leaving the hospital around 11:30, We were both pretty hungry so we went to Denny's next to the hospital and both had All-American Slams. We got home around 1am brought in the few things we put in the car and went to bed. Around 3am Sarah got sick again, we've decided to lay low today and I'll keep my eye on her. She's got a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon and we will find out whats going on then, as well as when they want to induce her. Our last appointment the doctor told us that she would only let Sarah go 1 week past her due date, so we will see.

Sarah has not progressed as far as dilation or effacement in 2 weeks, and she's not really showing any signs of full blown labor either. But from what i understand, one minute your sitting around the next your water breaks or the contractions start picking up. But Sarah and I are both starting to think she's going to be induced which doesn't bother us much but it still means 1 more week..

So far this morning Sarah's been able to hold down a couple pieces of toast and sprint and is sleeping on the couch with Charlie.

Thats all for now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Almost there

Monday the 28th, We had our one week appointment. They checked me to see how far along I am and Dr. Sullivan said that I am 2 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced. The doctor said that I am moving along very well. Though they say that you can be dilated at 2 for a week or two, we are hoping that this means that she is on her way.

I've been havening some mild contractions the past week or so. The doctors says that it is normal and that we should get excited until they are about 5 mins apart or my water breaks. then we should head to the hospital. I have been trying to walk as much as i can so that she will come out but no such luck yet. Other than that not much else is going on. Trying to rest or sleep as much as i can before she comes. Have finally cut back at work which has been nice.

We will be sure to keep everyone updated on any news we hear. Hope that everyone one is well and we love ya all. cant wait to call you with that good news.

love ya all
Sarah , Morgan And James

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Baby shower

We had our baby shower yesterday, January the 19th. I just wanted to thank everyone that came. We had a great turn out and got SO much stuff. It means a lot to Jamie and I that everyone was able to be there and share the joy with us. We could not have done it with out My mom, grandma and aunt also Amanda . Also thanks to Jamies family for helping with the center piece's and food. They turned out very cute. Also thanks to Dave and Kathy for helping us bring everything home and unpack it and setting some of it up. Jamie and David put together the pack and play together while Kathy and I went through everything else.

We got a lot of stuff that we needed. Then we used the gift cards this morning and got the car seat and stroller. We just got done putting it together. Its very cool. Its one that the car seat snaps into the stroller. It is light and and folds up easy. We also put up our mobile and finished washing her new clothes. I think that we are pretty much ready with her room and stuff. The last thing that we have to get is the crib mattress which my mom and I are going to go get on Tuesday. Jamie's work is also having a shower for us on Tuesday afternoon.

I have my weekly doctor appointment Monday at 9am. Its just a regular check up. She will measure me and listen to the heart beat. She will start to check and see if I am dilated at the next appointment on the 28th. Other than that there is not a whole lot else going on. Getting very tired cause i don't sleep well. Cant get comfy and having to get up and pee 3 time a night doesn't help. But I guess it will only get worse when she gets here. So i may just get use to it.

Well i think that's all for know. If anything else comes up i will let u all know. Love ya all and cant wait to call u and tell you that SHE COMING!!!!! talk to you soon

love Sarah, James, and MORGAN :)